Poster Abstracts

Implementation of the protocol for home care in final-days situation in patients attended by members of the functional unit of attention to chronicity and complexity (ufacc in spanish)



Introduction: In clinical practice there is variability in care in end-of-life situations. It is important to identify this period early on in order to evaluate and attend to the needs of patients and families, this care providing control of symptoms, emotional support and guaranteeing privacy and respect.

Description: The general aim of this protocol is to provide orientations, principles and guidelines of home care in end-of-life situations, which require systematic procedures, as well as how to evaluate the satisfaction of the families with the care received. It has been implemented by the professionals who attend to this situation in our area of work, the recommendations based on the evidence being fundamental.

The UFACC project aims to identify and develop a model of integrated care, attention and monitoring of the complex chronic patient (CCP) and the patient advanced chronic illness (PACI) in the SAP Delta healthcare region. The final goal is to improve the care for patients with high complexity and/or high dependency, offering coordinated and integrated service into health and social care services, directed at the needs of the person, family and social setting, with an efficient and sustainable multidimensional approach.

Specific Objectives:

- Promote protocol among the professionals involved

- Decrease the clinical variability between services.

- Unify criteria of action facilitating decision-making.

- Protocolise the pharmacological treatment and the minimum measures for comfort

- Detect and respond to the needs of the patient and their family.

Material and Methods: Basing our work on the Guides and clinical practice, a multidisciplinary team has drawn up a protocol of action in end-of-life situations in patients with high complexity and/or high dependency on the UFACC.

Stages of the process:

- Identification of the need

- Identification of the care elements to protocolise

- Creation of the interdisciplinary work group

- Design stage

- Implantation stage,

- Evaluation stage currently in progress

- Review stage

Applicability: The CCP patients are included in the UFACC programme, who after the clinical evaluation and undertaking of the positive NECPAL test and with criteria of situation of advanced illness (PACI), are patients that require greater presence and intensity of the needs, planning of anticipated 


palliativeprotocolintegrated careadvanced disease
  • Volume: 16
  • Page/Article: A42
  • DOI: 10.5334/ijic.2985
  • Published on 16 Dec 2016