CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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id ecaade2017_079
authors Qabshoqa, Mohammad, Kocaturk, Tuba and Kiviniemi, Arto
year 2017
title A value-driven perspective to understand Data-driven futures in Architecture
source Fioravanti, A, Cursi, S, Elahmar, S, Gargaro, S, Loffreda, G, Novembri, G, Trento, A (eds.), ShoCK! - Sharing Computational Knowledge! - Proceedings of the 35th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 20-22 September 2017, pp. 407-416
summary This paper reports on an investigation of the potentials of data utilisation in Architecture from a value generation and business creation points of view, based on an ongoing PhD research by the first author. It is of crucial importance to, first, identify what data actually signifies for Architecture, and secondly to explore how the value obtained through data-driven approaches in other industries could potentially be transferred and applied in our professional context. These objectives have been achieved through a qualitative comparative analysis of various cases. Additionally, the paper discusses the multiplicity of factors which contribute to different interpretations and utilisation of data with reference to various value systems embedded into our profession (e.g. design as ideology, design as profession, design as service). A comparative analysis of the existing data utilisation methods in connection with various value systems provide crucial insights in order to answer the following questions: How can data assess values in architectural design/practice? How can data utilisation give way to the emergence of new values for the profession?
keywords Big Data in Architecture; Data-Driven Architecture Design; Data in Architecture Design; Computational Data Design; Digital Value in Architecture
series eCAADe
full text file.pdf (1,869,357 bytes)
references Content-type: text/plain
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