Published July 12, 2023 | Version V1.0
Poster Open

Rural electrification planning for Senegal using Energy Access Explorer (EAE)


  • 1. Agence Sénégalaise d'Electrification Rurale (ASER)


With a current electrification rate of 60% (2022), Senegal government plans to achieve policy goals for Universal Electricity Access by 2035. And this passes through the development of electrification projects particulary for the rural areas.

This presentation is about rural electrification planning for Senegal by using the open source and interactive platform : Energy Access Explorer

By using the EAE platform, scenarios were investigated to get high priority areas where the solar minigrids should be expanded. By matching supply to the growing demand, the aim is to identify the high priority rural areas for off-grids electrification with solar technology and visualise how electricity demand is distributed with priority accorded to health access.

The scenarios combined 2 datasets in demand (demographics and social productives uses like healthcare facilities) and 3 datasets in supply (solar resources, grid network and existing mini-grids)

These scenarios were run for learning purposes  at the Joint Summer School on Modelling Tools for Sustainable Development 2023 (#SDSummerSchool), held from 3 to 13 July 2023 at Trieste (Italy) through an ICTP Hybrid Meeting. The track was focusing on EAE tool  : "Energy Access Explorer: A Data-driven, Integrated and Inclusive Approach to Planning for Achieving Universal Access to Energy for Equitable Development".

More scenarios will be created furthermore, knowing that this training allowed Senegal to have access to the EAE plarform for the first time and manage data in its back-end and front-end. 


ICTP Summer School - EAE poster Senegal 12-07-2023 Gnilane NDOUR.pdf

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