Published February 24, 2023 | Version v0.2.0
Dataset Open

Safe and Just Earth Systems Boundaries for Surface Water: Hydrologic Alteration of Environmental Flows

  • 1. City University of New York (CUNY)


Title: Safe and Just Earth Systems Boundaries for Surface Water: Hydrologic Alteration of Environmental Flows Author: Pamela A. Green (, Advanced Science Research Center, CUNY, New York, NY USA

The python Jupyter Notebook SafeJustEarthSysBnd_EstressCUNY-Griffith2022-23.ipynb and accompanying data sets represent spatial modelling for development of the safe and just surface water target for Working Group 3 of the Earth Commission for the Earth Commission Long Report and the "Safe and Just Earth Systems Boundaries" publication. The surface water target includes spatial modelling of the extent of global-scale hydrological alteration of environmental flows.

All input datasets required to run the model are located under the ModelInput folder with raster data in zipped format to minimize space requirements. The code extracts the zipped files and then deletes the uncompressed files upon completion. All model outputs are located under the ModelOutput folder.

Please reference the README.xlsx file for a full listing of the model input and output data files.


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