Published March 4, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

"'En viva sangre bañadas': Caterina da Siena y las vidas de María de Ajofrín, Juana de la Cruz, María de Santo Domingo y otras santas vivas castellanas"

  • 1. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf


In this article I gather the lives of a group of Castilian sante vive from the 15th and 16th centuries (María de Ajofrín, Juana de la Cruz and María de Santo Domingo and others) and establish a detailed hagiographic comparative analysis which takes into account some previous and contemporary Italian narrative patterns. I am particularly interested in clarify two issues: first, to what extent Catherina of Siena's Legenda maior by Raymond of Capua inspired the narratives of these Iberian lives (and, additionally, what do these results mean in the pre-Modern Castilian context); second, what a comparison with the bio-hagiography of an Italian charismatic woman as Lucia Broccadelli da Narni could tell us about the construction of radical models of sanctity. I divide the analysis in two parts: the childhood, as a symbollic formative period of the saint, and the maturity of the visionary women, where I focus especifically on the signification of the narratives of the stigmatization.


Pablo Acosta Garcia_En viva sangre bañadas_Archivio italiano 33_PUBLISHED.pdf

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WIMPACT – Late medieval visionary Women's IMPact in early modern Castilian spiritual Tradition 842094
European Commission