Published March 12, 2019 | Version Journal article
Journal article Open

Geoffrey Bawa A legend in Tropical Modernism


  • 1. The Overseas School of Colombo


Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine


An investigation to what extent, does Geoffrey Bawa utilize space and place in his architecture to develop his concepts of tropical modernism?

Sri Lanka (previously known as Ceylon) is an island, with 21 million people. It is home to rich and diverse traditions of architecture. An architect that stands head and shoulders above all is Geoffrey Bawa. A rare architect who primarily sought to use environment sensitivity with cultural awareness, Bawa fused local building traditions with modern designs, the prime example of an architect of the present day. The structures he designed and developed are standing legacies in the region and influenced architecture worldwide. This paper will study the works of Geoffrey Bawa through the field of visual arts. By investigating his work by virtue of analyzing his use of space and place to depict his perspective on interweaving modernism, cultural sensitivity and the beauty of the environment. The approach developed the form of tropical modernism and the concept of vernacularism and Bawa believed that architecture had to be experienced rather than described or studied theoretically. I intend to investigate Bawa’s work and architectural concepts by reviewing his structures in the context of Sri Lanka rather than other masterpieces he constructed in South-East Asia. The introductory segment describes his architecture, followed by a survey of the historical perspective, primary influence as well as a study of Geoffrey Bawa and his career. In addition, rich illustrations of Bawa’s works through documentary plans and my own photography have been included to further visualize his talent.


Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine is an open-access, biannual, and peer-reviewed online magazine that aims to bundle cultural diversity. All values of cultures are shown in their varieties of art. Beyond the importance of the medium, form, and context in which art takes its characteristics, art is considered the significance of socio-cultural, historical, and market influence.


Art_Style_ISSUE_1_Essay_9_March 2019_DOI_10_5281zenodo4070005.pdf

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