Published July 29, 2015 | Version v1
Software Open


  • 1. University of Tuebingen


ScatterJn is a plugin for ImageJ and Fiji that allows for analysis and exploration of analytical microscocopy data. The plugin creates a scatterplot matrix from the grey values of several input images and offers different ways of classification. ScatterJn is partly based on the plugin ScatterJ (

To install the plugin, copy the file ScatterJn_.class into the "plugins" subfolder of your ImageJ (or Fiji) folder. Then, install the plugin from ImageJ (or Fiji) using the "Plugins > Install..." command.

The plugin is published under GNU GPL v. 3, the example data under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.


The plugin is described in the following publication:

F Zeitvogel, M Obst (2016), ScatterJn: An ImageJ Plugin for Scatterplot-Matrix Analysis and Classification of Spatially Resolved Analytical Microscopy Data, Journal of Open Research Software 4: e5, DOI:  10.5334/jors.89

which can be found at:



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