Published October 31, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open



The article analyzes the factors that negatively influence the modernization of Ukrainian society and, in particular, the reformation of its military sphere. Therefore, it is concluded that we need to clarify the content of a number of concepts concerning the status of Ukrainian society, the Russian-Ukrainian war, taking into account the experience of the new independent states. This will enable to form adequate and, if necessary, asymmetric answers to the internal and external challenges facing Ukraine at the present stage. The author proposes that the incentive for the formation of the responses are integrated concept of modernization of all spheres of Ukrainian society. The core of the reform should be the military sphere. It is precisely military reform that will allow a revival of a powerful defense-industrial complex. This, in turn, will contribute to the industrialization of our state. At the same time, as a result of military reform, a "new model of the army" should appear, new approaches to the Russian-Ukrainian war as a whole should emerge.


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