‘Teachers flipping out’ beyond the online lecture: Maximising the educational potential of video

Andrew Thomson, Ruth Bridgstock, Christiaan Willems


While video is recognised as an important medium for teaching and learning in the digital age, many video resources are not as effective as they might be, because they do not adequately exploit the strengths of the medium.  Presented here are some case studies of video learning resources produced for various undergraduate courses in a university environment.  This ongoing project attempts to identify pedagogic strategies for the use of video; learning situations in which video has the most efficacy; and what production techniques can be employed to make effective video learning resources.

Keywords: video learning resources, higher education pedagogy, innovation in pedagogy, academic staff development


video learning resources; higher education pedagogy; innovation in pedagogy; academic staff development; blended learning; educational technology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5204/jld.v7i3.209
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