ISSN(Print): 2709-6254 | ISSN(Online) : 2709-6262 | ISSN-L : 2709-6254


India-Israel Defense Ties: Security Threat for Pakistan


  1. Armaghan Farid
    Ph. D Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  2. Dr. Mubeen Adnan
    Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan


India’s broad-spectrum relationship with Israel having a specific focus on the military (defense) relationship forged India and Israel into mutual complementarities. These growing military ties between both states are likely to create serious security challenges for Pakistan. India and Israel have a typical dream of the power and territorial hegemon, utilizing similar strategies of savagery in their individual approaches in involved regions. India as a team with Israel is additionally attempting towards growing hard power, which has genuine dangers for the security of Pakistan in light of the fact that to counter Pakistan is one of the great objectives of the two states by expressing Pakistan as shared adversary and danger. Hence, the military relations among India and Israel consistently contact Indian-Pakistan contention and have impacts on Pakistan security interests, upsetting the essential equilibrium of South Asia. Be that as it may, this examination is productive in figuring out what is the realpolitik behind the Israel relations with India? While its examinations that India and Israel military relationship altogether change the idea of Pakistan overall influence with India, it additionally implies the potential proposals to guarantee harmony and security explicitly in Pakistan and by and large in the district that can help in drafting the key strategy choices for Pakistan? Lastly, it is determining the corollary of India and Israel relationship towards Pakistan that, how their converging interests are causing the fallout for Pakistan and why the progress of their relationship is affecting Pakistan politically and internationally? Hence, the design of this research is exploratory and descriptive and it is relying on secondary available sources and for more observational investigation, study depends on philosophical suspicions to reach at key discoveries.

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India–Israel Defense, Military Relationship, Pakistan Fallout. Security, Threat, US Influence


Article # 7
Volume # 3
Issue # 1

DOI info

DOI Number: 10.47205/jdss.2022(3-I)07
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