
The formation of the ‘youth’ class in China in the 1920s and 1930s was achieved through the establishment of a modern social system called modern education and modern media. As modern education has been institutionalized, young people with modern knowledge and modern consciousness, including students, have become a new social group, and the youth discourse around them has formed and spread through modern media. In particular, the weekly magazine Life launched in Shanghai in 1925 was a leading magazine that led the youth discourse centered on students and urban workers who were the main readers. First, I can see that the modern knowledge system and scientific thinking form through the vocational education centering on the youth, when I look at the contents of the capitalist job view and the attitude of life among the youth discourse led by the Life weekly. And that they are aiming for a practical life style and a life that pursues success. In addition, ‘self-discipline’ or ‘self-development’ constitutes an important axis of the youth discourse as a way to get the job desired and to succeed in the job. This is the ‘self-development’ ‘Boom combined with the Chinese’ traditional ‘scandalized the logic of’ self-discipline’, and it was understood that it served as an important discourse to Chinese youth in the 30’s when modern capitalism was developing. Second, I examined the contents related to love, marriage, and family problems through the modern concept of the individual in the youth discourse led by Life weekly. Love and marriage are the most common problems facing young men, and they are the most pressing problem facing men and women, individuals and families in relation to family system and values ​​in the process of transition from traditional society to modern society. Especially, the modern consciousness that love and marriage should be a free combination of individual and individual forms the main discourse flow, but the actual reality is not easy. Therefore, the main contents of the reader’s letter were the pursuit of free love, the hope for independent and voluntary marriage, divorce, criticism of the extended family system, and worries about the marriage life. It was not a problem. Therefore, the perceptions and attitudes of the readers and editors of modern personalities revealed in their letters manifested cracks and contradictions in themselves.


Modernity, Youth Discourse, Life Weekly, Capitalist society, individual, love, marriage


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