
Material is an essential element in human life, whether it is a modern social system or a pre-modern social system. Human beings can plan a life-like life through solving basic food and shelf. The main character of LuotuoXiangzi, Xiangzi, is a rickshawer for the basic settlement of food and shelter and better life. Since he has only a healthy body, he has no choice but to capitalize the body. It is natural that human beings like Xiangzi, whose only means of production is labor force, plan to survive through the sale of labor power. In the case of Xiangzi, it is a migrant worker who has flowed into the city with the collapse of rural society, which was a traditional unit of life. The city, which is a flower of modern civilization, has various charms to attract healthy labor force like Xiangzi, but only until labor is basically possible. Since labor is a resource that can not be reproduced when it is completely consumed, new supply must be constantly made. In this cycle of consumption and supply, the dream of migrant workers like Xiangzi is involved, and through such dreams, the city becomes a huge black hole. In short, the development of a city comes from the exploitation of a vast group of working human beings and a device through which the individual is mistaken for voluntary labor. Those who want to live through the possibility of the market must comply with the market standard, and from this, the market as the means becomes the purpose and dominates the human being. Xiangzi's struggle for success in a society where money is more important than human dignity contains a social myth that judges individuals by possessing material. In other words, the key point of the problem is to check the sickness of the market-oriented society through the rumination of the process that economism is accepted as social myth. In this respect, the message of LuotuoXiangzi is quite heavy. This paper has newly analyzed the meaning of LuotuoXiangzi from this point of view.


Lao She, LuotuoXiangzi, Market Societies, Homo Economicus, Capitalism


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