This chapter explores governance and democracy implications for the national stakeholders and proffers a framework to comprehensively manage the novel technology, that is, cryptocurrency. The current disarticulation of cryptocurrency legislation gives rise to the question of what can be done to make public policy/administration work better with cryptocurrency while working in the interest of democracy and development? This question becomes even more relevant given the ills associated with limited crypto-regulation, and the benefits to be derived from proper regulation buttressed by good governance considerations. The effective management of virtual currencies does not eliminate governance but redefines it from traditional contractual relationships towards dynamic interactions that highlight the necessary role of governance as an active entity in the merging world of crypto. Given the ubiquitous arrival of technological advancements and digitalization, it is paramount that governments play a critical role in the accommodation and general oversight of the modern phenomena. The Democracy and Governance Cryptocurrency Framework (DAG-C) is proposed as a sustainable framework to guide the achievement of this goal.