Original Research

Five challenges for disability-related research in sub-Saharan Africa

Leslie Swartz
African Journal of Disability | Vol 3, No 2 | a149 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ajod.v3i2.149 | © 2014 Leslie Swartz | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 04 August 2014 | Published: 19 September 2014

About the author(s)

Leslie Swartz, Department of Psychology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa


Disability research in contemporary sub-Saharan Africa is developing rapidly, and this is something to be celebrated. This article reviews some contemporary developments and suggests that there are five central, and interrelated, challenges for the field. These challenges – experience, expertise, enumeration, evidence, and expectations – go to the heart of thinking about disability research in sub-Saharan Africa. An optimistic but appropriately critical approach to addressing these issues is suggested.


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