Korean Circ J. 1997 Apr;27(4):449-455. Korean.
Published online Apr 30, 1997.
Copyright © 1997 The Korean Society of Circulation
Original Article

Two Cases of Non-Q Wave Myocardial Infarcion Associated with Myocardial Bridge

Doo Il Kim, M.D., Dong Soo Kim, M.D. and Kyung Soon Lee, M.D.


    A myocardial beidge is an anatomic arrangement in which an epicardial coronary artery becomes engulfed for a limited segment by mycardial fibers. Myocardial bridges are not uncommon finding at coronary angiography and are identified by the systolic narrowing of the affected artery, mainly the left anterior descending coronary artery. The significance of myocardial beidges is controversial. These are frequently found at autopsy, and have been associated with episodic angina, tachcardia-induced ischemia amd sudden death during strenuous exercise. It has been suggested that clinical mamifestations of myocardial ischemia could be the result of severe reductions in the myocardial blood flow during the systole caused by the mylcardial bridge. We report two cases of myocardial damage occuring in a previous asymptimatic patients, hacing myocardial beidge in a left anterior descending coronary artery. This report strengthens the view that myocaridal bridges may, on occasion, cause ischemis

    Myocardial bridge; Non-Q wave mylcardial infarction
