Research Articles

Exploring Possibility of Using Davulkurundu (Neolitsea involurate) leaf Extract to Improve Leavening Action and Crumb Structure of Wheat Bread



A preliminary study revealed that Davulkurudu (Neolitsea involurate) leaf (DKL) extract is the best jelly source as against Ladies finger and Dorian seed extracts to manufacture high quality bread due to its heat instability nature. Five kg of wheat flour was incorporated with necessary ingredients and divided into two portions. One portion was mixed with water and the rest with DKL extract. Prepared doughs were allowed to ferment and the time taken to reach leavening index 2.0, an indicator to have a soft breadcrumb, were recorded. Leavening time, bulk density, pH value, organoleptic properties and stalling effect in terms of elasticity were evaluated. Results revealed that DKL extract incorporated bread dough had half an hour less leavening time and low bulk density (0.09) of bread than the normal bread (0.12) due to well develop bread crumb. However, DKL extract did not affect the pH value of bread. Organoleptic properties, texture, crumb cell distribution and over all acceptability of bread prepared with DKL were significantly better than the counter treatment except mouth feel, color and aroma. DKL extract was also capable of retarding stalling process by 6-8 h.

Key words: davulkurudu leaf extract; bread crumb; leavening index; bulk density; organoleptic properties

DOI: 10.4038/tare.v10i0.1873

Tropical Agricultural Research & Extension Vol.10 2007 67-73


davulkurudu leaf extractbread crumbleavening indexbulk densityorganoleptic properties
  • Year: 2007
  • Volume: 10
  • Page/Article: 67-73
  • DOI: 10.4038/tare.v10i0.1873
  • Published on 26 Apr 2010
  • Peer Reviewed