Presenting a Model for Increasing Productivity in Hydropower Plants by Identifying Organizational Complications

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The present economical conditions on today’s world require specific point of view and policy making in business agencies. In this competitive world to achieve competence, competitive advantages in order to better governance, organizations need to increase their competitive powers through increasing productivity. One of the fundamental approaches to enhance the productivity level is first identifying the organizational complications then finding solution and implementing the solutions. To shed light on recognizing the firm’s complications and recoverable areas in the business agencies the authors were benefited from the concept of critical factors of success and social capital affect on inter-firm relationships then an empirical model by taking advantage of Deming Continue improvement model was presented. In order to verify and validate the performed research the planned model was accomplished in the Iran hydropower plants. Positive and acceptable results were obtained hydropower complications were identified and removed as well, organizations total factors of productivity improved.

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