Study on Occupational Safety in the Aggregates Sector

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The aggregates sector is a key national and international mining sector in terms of both production and value. The rate of workplace accidents (number of accidents during working hours per 100,000 workers) for the mining sector in Spain is considerable, with the rate for Galicia below the national rate until 2007 and slightly above the national rate from 2007 to 2010. We analysed occupational risk prevention in the aggregates sector in Galicia in the three years 2005 to 2007, based on the information provided by 65 companies. This survey period was before the international crisis so the data provide an overview of the sector at its peak, when the consumption of construction aggregates was high. For the same reason the workplace accident rate was considerably higher than the current rate (corresponding to a period of low activity), so the described scenario can be considered as the most adverse situation in terms of occupational risks. The specific objectives of the study were to evaluate general occupational risk prevention management systems in companies in the mining sector and to study compliance with occupational noise exposure and dust control regulations. The information was gathered in the companies via a questionnaire administered in personal interviews. The occupational risk prevention management systems of aggregates companies in Galicia were evaluated and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the sector were identified.

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