
Written word frequency is a key variable used in many psycholinguistic studies and is central in explaining visual word recognition when the subject performs a lexical decision or naming task. Indeed, word frequency is intrinsically linked to the level of activation of words in computational models that make use of a lexical access component (the original interactive activation model, McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981; and subsequent models such as that of Davis, 2010; Grainger & Jacobs, 1996; or Perry, Ziegler, & Zorzi, 2007). In the original interactive activation model of single-word recognition, McClelland and Rumelhart employed word frequency to determine the resting-level activation of word nodes prior to stimulus onset. Whether the aim is to select a confound-free linguistic material, to accurately assess word frequency effect in empirical research or to disprove a hypothesis in modeling a particular psycholinguistic phenomenon, it is crucial to have the best possible estimates of word counts (see Zevin & Seindenberg, 2002, for a seminal study comparing the influence of a particular frequency metric, and Brysbaert, Mandera, & Keuleers, 2018, for a more recent review). A variable of such importance has unsurprisingly stimulated many methodological proposals. To name a few, Kucera and Francis (1967) relied on the one-million-word Brown corpus to compute individual word counts; in the 1990s, more than 3000 different Usenet newsgroup conversations were aggregated, providing a corpus of 131 million words (HAL-corpus; 70,000 unique words; Burgess & Livesay, 1998); and a corpus of 16.6 million words from British and American English texts was used in CELEX (Baayen, Piepenbrock, & Gulikers, 1996).

More recent methodological advances were made with the use of movie subtitles (New et al., 2007), which are thought to better reflect actual language usage in the general population. In controlled experiments employing a lexical decision task, for example, such a word count explains the greatest variance in participants’ performance (Brysbaert & New, 2009), even though a composite variable made up of the best metrics has been used (see for example Ferrand et al., 2018). Advances have also been made in building corpora and word frequency estimates in languages other than English (Chinese, Dutch, French, Greek, Portuguese or Spanish; see Boada et al., 2019, for the most recent proposal in Catalan) or in targeting a population other than adults (see Zeno et al., 1995; Lete et al., 2004; or Terzopoulos et al., 2017, for child-based material). Databases including a word frequency estimate are proposed in a variety of supports, the oldest ones being proposed in book format (e.g., Zeno) or on CD-ROM (e.g., CELEX) and the most recent being freely downloadable online as single files (SUBTLEX family). To facilitate research, many resources associate these files with an online search engine capability, such as the English CorporaFootnote 1 (English) or LexiqueFootnote 2 (French).

Methodological advances in single-word frequency measures are directly linked to the level of research interest in single-word recognition. Such advances have helped in uncovering novel cognitive processes and fostering new ideas and studies. The success achieved by the word-based psycholinguist community in understanding cognitive phenomena in this domain could not have been achieved without normative databases. It is essential for any scientific discipline to generate and facilitate the use of such tools, and this is especially true for a domain that is emerging.


Recent advances in the study of reading, embedding the single-word recognition processes in a more global sentence processing context has opened up new research directions. Indeed, Grainger, Dufau, and Ziegler (2016) proposed a new framework in which orthographic processing that spans multiple words connects word reading to sentence reading (see also Snell et al., 2018, for computational implementation of such a mechanism). Amongst other advances building on this framework, Snell and Grainger (2017) revisited the sentence superiority effect in light of the hypothesized parallel multi-word orthographic processing. In this study, participants had to identify a word within a four-word sequence displayed for 200 ms, a sequence being grammatical or ungrammatical. Results showed enhanced word identification performance within grammatical sequences, thus pointing to a level of parallel processing across multiple words that enables rapid extraction of their syntactic categories.

Researchers interested in uncovering cognitive processes behind multiple word recognition need a reliable and easy-to-access resource to select and control the linguistic multi-word material and to analyze participant data. However, little has been published so far in the psycholinguistic literature on sequences of multiple words and their associated frequencies, and experimenters are left with relatively few practical resources. For instance, in English, the British National Corpus can be used to search for particular word combinations (preselected by the experimenter) and to measure their associated frequencies. In an eye-movement study where participants had to read a single sentence presented on a screen, Siyanova-Chanturia et al. (2011) used frequent triplets of words like “knife and fork” and reversed the word order (“fork and knife”) to generate less frequent forms of word combinations. The material selection and phrasal frequency measurement were carried out through the British National Corpus in addition to a human-based completion test, to ensure that the normal and reversed combinations were distinct in frequency. In a same-different matching task in French, Pegado, and Grainger (2020) created their material by assembling five different words and manipulating their order to create ungrammatical sequences without further control over the frequency of the combinations. Even if a corpus is used to measure frequency, stimulus creation, and/or selection is still achieved by the experimenter with unavoidable individual biases as exposed in Kuperman (2015): “compilation of lists of stimuli with required characteristics may be nonrandom and critically depends on experimenters’ intuitions and experience, leaving the door open to experimenter bias.” In other words, the development of multi-word databases could be the key to scientific progress in the domain of multi-word processing. On the data analysis side, a multi-word frequency effect could arise from a grammatical decision task where participants have to distinguish grammatical word sequences from ungrammatical ones (e.g., see Mirault, Snell, & Grainger, 2018, where speeded grammaticality judgments revealed a transposed-word effect). A sentence database with frequency norms would be an ideal tool for revealing the effects of multi-word frequency in grammatical decisions—just like lexical decision has been for word frequency. To reveal such an effect on the item level (therefore at a finer grain than the high- vs. low-frequency group level as in Siyanova-Chanturia et al., 2011), we conducted a tentative experiment with a grammatical decision task that made use of our list of French 4-grams and their associated frequencies.

The Google Books corpus and the Ngram datasets

Since 2002, in order to archive and reference human knowledge, Google has scanned an estimated 25 million books published in 430 different languages and has performed automatic optical character recognition to transform printed texts to machine-encoded material. The results of this initiative,

Google Books, are available onlineFootnote 3. The Google Books initiative gave birth to two side projects, Google Scholar, which indexes full text and/or metadata of scholarly literature, and Ngram, which reports frequencies of any set of words and charts their values (Michel et al., 2011). The latest version of the Google Books Ngram datasets (2019) consists of a list of combinations of words, the “n-grams,” and their occurrences over five centuries. The letter “n” in n-gram stands for the number of words in any given combination, from n = 1 (single words; unigram) to n = 5 (five-word sequence; 5-gram), “gram” being used in the sense of a unit. Such a dataset follows a series of works by the same company that measured the frequency of n-grams in web pages, first in English (Brants, 2006) and then in 10 other European languages (Brants & Franz, 2009). The more recent database on published books was used, for example, to perform a quantitative analysis of affectionate communication in the past 50 years in China (Wu et al., 2019) or to analyze how rational versus reasonableness judgments are associated with different contexts (Grossmann et al., 2020). The current Ngram corpus is based on eight million books randomly selected from the Google Books corpus (including 4.5 million books in English) and represents an estimate of 6% of all the books ever published at the time of the corpus publication. To provide a language-independent interface, n-grams were tokenized and annotated for syntax with 12 language-universal part-of-speech (PoS) tags introduced in Petrov, Das & McDonald (2011): NOUN (nouns), VERB (verbs), ADJ (adjectives), ADV (adverbs), PRON (pronouns), DET (determiners and articles), ADP (prepositions and postpositions), NUM (numerals), CONJ (conjunctions), PRT (particles), ‘.’ (punctuation marks), and X (a catchall for other categories such as foreign words). The PoS tagging procedure is described in detail in Lin et al. (2012). An example of an English 4-gram is “the_DET house_NOUN is_VERB red_ADJ,” where PoS are attached to their referring word with an underscore.

The Ngram datasets are available in eight languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Italian, Chinese, and Hebrew), all of them being proposed with an online and graphical interactive search engineFootnote 4 (see Fig. 1). In addition to this viewer, the compressed text files containing both the word-based and PoS-related raw data are available for direct download.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Written frequency of the most frequent two-word associations with a generic adjective as the first member and “psychology” as the second member, for the period 1850–2019 (x-axis; smoothing of 8 years). Results are from the Google Ngram Viewer for the dual search “*_ADJ psychology” and “cognitive psychology” (plotted in red). Frequency is given in percentage (y-axis)

The n-gram lexicons tailored for psycholinguistics

The current proposal aims at making the handling of the n-gram lexicon databases more suitable for psycholinguistic research. More specifically, from the Ngram datasets, we propose a selection of two- to five-word sequences in French and English along with their associated frequency estimate. Lists of word sequences are available, for example, for material selection based on word identity, PoS information, and occurrences. In addition, an online interface is proposed for database exploration and material selection with ready-to-use filters, a handy tool for researchers not willing or able to manipulate lists of millions of sequences on their computer.

Selection of Ngrams

The Google Ngram database can be manipulated in two ways. The first method utilizes the dedicated online search engine and display tool developed by Google (Fig. 1). It can be used as a set of predefined word sequences to be analyzed. Although not intended to be manipulated in this way, the online tool displays frequency values expressed in percentages that can be automatically extracted from the source code of the web page. The second method consists of starting from raw data and extracting word sequences that are suitable for psycholinguistic research, a method employed and described here. The current version of the Ngram database raw data is composed of hundreds to thousands of language-specific files, each with millions of word sequences associated to their number of occurrences per year (1000 5-gram files of four million sequences each leading to four billion sequences listed over five centuries; 100 2-gram files leading to 400 million sequences). At this stage, the n-gram lists are composed of PoS-tagged sequences (“the_DET table_NOUN”), untagged sequences (“the table”), and partially tagged sequences (“the_DET table”), these three forms having the same number of occurrences. Concerning the number of occurrences, in recent years, approximately five billion n-gram occurrences per year are listed by Google for each language and each N.

Given the mixed PoS composition of the n-gram lists, the necessary step for usability was therefore to select the meaningful sequences that could potentially be useful for psycholinguists. To do so, we downloaded the different 2019 Ngram data files on SSD drives for efficient data reading and writing (2- to 5-grams, French and British English file sets, available in a compressed format). We wrote computer programs handling parallel processing to read and process data and prepared a 40-core workstation to work on these n-gram lexicons. We applied to the initial n-gram lists the following treatments. We first selected the n-grams that had no punctuation signs, that were fully PoS-tagged and that had at least two records in the time period from year 2012 to year 2019. We then lowercased the sequences and summed the number occurrences in which the n-gram appeared in over these years. In the online Ngram Viewer, this simple selection corresponds to a search with the case-insensitive option activated (meaning that the occurrences of “The table” and “the table” are added), years set to 2012 and 2019, and a smoothing option set to zero (then summing the last 8-year output values makes up for the summation over the period of interest). The next step was to match individual words in the word sequences to a list of the most frequent words extracted from single-word databases: 37,559 unique English words from the SUBTLEX-UK and SUBTLEX-US word lexicons (Van Heuven et al., 2014; Brysbaert & New, 2009), and 47,707 unique French words from the Lexique-3 lexicon (New et al., 2001; French having more inflected forms than English). Those n-grams that did not have at least one match were discarded, meaning that selected n-grams had at least one of their unigrams on the single-word lexicons. These two selection steps discarded most of the n-grams that were of low frequency or ill-formed, leading to eight lists of 50 million (2-grams) to 500 million (5-grams) unique n-grams per language. The last selection process was more quantitative and was based on the frequency of the n-grams. Indeed, to be manageable, these lists had to be reduced: for each single word in the word lexicons, we selected the n-grams containing this word in their unigrams, e.g., selecting “american society” or “american revolution” by searching for the single word “american” in the English 2-gram lexicon. We then computed the minimum between the set size and the square root of the set size multiplied by 10. The impact of such formulae on a set size follows. Say a frequent word was present in 100,000 sequences. The square root of 100,000 is about 316. We selected the 10 × 316 = 3160 most frequent sequences corresponding to this word (as the minimum between 3160 and 100,000 is 3160), thus discarding 90k+ less frequent sequences. For a less frequent word appearing in, say, ten n-grams, we selected all ten n-grams, as 10 × 3.16 (3.16 being the square root of 10) is higher than 10. As this example shows, this simple formula ensures that (i) the single-word-based n-gram sets of 100 or fewer n-grams were not affected by this last selection process, and (ii) the single-word-based n-gram sets of more than 100 n-grams are limited by the square root of their sizes. This step selected approximately ten million unique word sequences per language and per N. At this stage, the n-gram lexicons have misspelled unigrams or unigrams of foreign origin, and some of the n-grams are non-phrases like “root of the.” To overcome this situation, an additional filter was applied to these n-gram lexicons: we selected the 50,000 most frequent word sequences, in parallel to a random selection of 950,000 sentence-like sequences (e.g., the sequence “an additional filter” was selected and not the sequence “additional filter was”). At the very end of the selection process, each dataset of French and English 2- to 5-grams is therefore proposed in three lengths: the approximately ten-million-sequence full selection, the one-million-sequence selection composed of sentence-like sequences, and the most frequent 50,000-sequence selection. The ten-million-sequence selection is only available in a compressed csv format (for more details, see the open practice section).

Selection results

Eight lists of two- to five-word sequences were generated for both English and French. They contained approximately ten million sequences each, each of the lists being composed of between 86,393 and 130,703 unique words. An overview of the n-gram lexicons is provided in Table 1. We can see that the size of the single-word lexicons as well as the n-gram lexicons is a bit larger for French, such difference being probably linked to a larger number of derivatives word forms, especially for the verb category (e.g., the family size of “abandonner” in the French 5-gram lexicon is 27 while the family size of the English cognate “to abandon” in the English 5-gram lexicon is 5). In the “examples” column of Table 1, generic selection rows, it can be seen that not all of the n-grams form stand-alone phrases: some appear to be missing extra words to be complete as in “did not transform into” or “on the marsh and the.” Such incomplete sequences are less present in the sentence-like selection rows. Nevertheless, it can be anticipated that most psycholinguists selecting their material would probably need extra selection steps. The online web application provides just this sort of tool.

Table 1 Characteristics of the n-gram lexicons after selection. Three selections are proposed per language and number of grams. Unique sequences are referred to as types in the single-word literature

Frequency computation

Each of the word sequences in the Ngram database is associated with a yearly based number of occurrences which we separately aggregated over the period 2012 to 2019 (8 years). The frequency of each unique n-gram was computed by dividing its occurrence number by the sum of occurrences of all the different n-grams over the same period (a number available in the raw data). The total occurrences per N over the period were the following: 3.6783 × 1010, 3.8615 × 1010, 3.6783 × 1010, 3.4950 × 1010 for English (from 2- to 5-grams, respectively) and 3.3125 × 1010, 3.0693 × 1010, 3.2249 × 1010, 3.0693 × 1010 for French (also from 2- to 5-grams, respectively). We can note two things. First, within each language, the total occurrence counts are similar. This is not surprising given that a word is quasi-systematically embedded within a sentence, thus generating similar counts. Second, the total counts are similar between languages. This reflects a similarity between the corpus sizes; roughly a similar number of pages that were scanned and processed for the two languages. These frequency measures were further normalized by applying 106 factor multiplication to match frequency norms used in single-word recognition (frequency per million; fpm or FPM). A final transformation consisted in normalizing the FPM by successively performing a log10 transform (the distributions follow a normal shape) and a z-score (the distributions are centered at zero, with a unit-based standard deviation). The histograms of the standardized frequency index are displayed in Fig. 2. In addition to the number of occurrences, the databases contain the two frequency measures presented above, FPM and z-scored frequency index (ZFI), without any other transformations.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Distribution of the z-scored frequency index (ZFI) for English and French 2- to 5-grams. ZFI corresponds to the standardized log10 of the individual n-gram occurrence per million n-grams

Why FPM and ZFI? The lowest log10-transformed frequency per million value in our databases is −4.26 (cf. Table 2, English 2-grams). This corresponds to the log10 of the minimal number of occurrences in our database, 2, multiplied by a million, and divided by the total number of occurrences in the English 2-gram database (3.6783 × 1010). Such computation giving negative values is due to the high value of the denominator (corresponding to the corpus size) that is typical of modern lexicology where corpora are gigantic compared to historical ones, e.g., the word-based Brown corpus (Kucera & Francis, 1967), that has one million tokens. For this specific corpus, words that occur once have a frequency per million equal to 1 and therefore a log10 transform of 0. In order to investigate word-based language usage with positive values, lexicographers came to the idea of employing a simple additional transform, i.e., going from the frequency transform log10(fpm) to log10(fpm)+4, corresponding to the log10 of the occurrences per 10 billion words (Carroll 1970, 1971). Carroll called this new transform the “Standard Frequency Index” (SFI), an index used in corpus analyses such as Manulex or HelexKids, two scholarly book-based corpora (Lété, Sprenger-Charolles, & Colé, 2004; Terzopoulos et al., 2017). When such an index is used (i.e., in a relatively small corpus in token count compared to the corpus reported in this article), the SFI ranges between 10 and 90. This scale is therefore convenient enough to compute the distribution once the mean is known, the lower positive values (10–50) corresponding to low-frequency words and the high positive values to high-frequency words (50–90). More recently, van Heuven et al. (2014) developed a similar index called Zipf that corresponds to the log10(fpm)+3, a log10 transform of the occurrence per billion words. Applied to a corpora of movie subtitles, the Zipf index ranges from 1 to 7. Going back to the Ngram corpus, transformations manipulating an additional term would naturally lead us to use an index corresponding to log10(fpm)+5, i.e., the occurrence per 100 billion sequences. We have not proceeded to this step, as the corpus sizes in the Google Ngram databases differ considerably. The size of the American English corpus, for example, is twice the size of the British one (the one that we used). The Russian corpus in comparison is smaller. To account for future work on these corpora, we let the FPM measure without any further transformation, such that researchers using Multi-LEX will be able to apply the transformation of their choice. We preferred to introduce a standardized score, ZFI, that puts all the different measures from the different languages and N on common ground. Indeed, as seen in Fig. 2, histograms of ZFI are quasi-normal, and thanks to the z-scoring, the mean of ZFIs have a zero value and their standard deviation is one. Unfortunately, such measures have negative values. To overcome this, one can apply an additional transformation as is done for intelligence quotient calculation, i.e., proceed to ZFI × 15 + 100, a distribution centered at 100 with a standard deviation of 15 (a value of 130 would be at 2 standard deviations away from the mean). Z-scoring a frequency is particularly useful when one works with several n-gram databases, e.g., controlling for the 2-gram inner frequencies (gram1/gram2, gram2/gram3, gram3/gram4) of a sequence of four grams. In such a context, standardized frequency offers a common ground in which frequencies are comparable between distinct n-gram databases.

Table 2 Descriptive statistics of the Frequency per million, log10(FPM), and standardized frequency index, z (log10(fpm)). Min: minimum, Max: maximum, Mean: average, STD: standard deviation, Q25: 25th percentile, Q75: 75th percentile

Frequency results

Word sequence frequencies were computed using the standardized frequency formula. An overview of the frequency index is provided in Table 2 and Fig. 2. They show the distributions’ Gaussian shape ranging from −4 to 8. The standardized frequency index for word sequences has a minimum for French of 4-grams (−3.07) and a maximum for English 2-grams (8.17). Means and standard deviations of the distributions are the ones from a z-score transformation. The medians and means are quite close together, suggesting that the distributions are normal.

The frequency of the PoS sequences is easily computable from the general n-gram lexicon using some standard routines in R (e.g., “group_by(PoS)” with tidyverse) or MATLAB (“tabulate(PoS)”). For the English 5-grams, for example, there are 41,422 combinations of PoS, the most frequent being DET NOUN ADP DET NOUN as in “the turn of the century” (N = 311,066; 2.93% of all the 5-PoS sequences).

Assessment of the database in an online experiment

We wanted to know whether the frequency of an n-gram played a role in its recognition, just as a lexical frequency modulates the time it takes to recognize a particular word. As exposed in a previous section, such effect has been shown between groups of n-grams, i.e., between low- and high-frequency 3-grams (Siyanova-Chanturia et al., 2011), or in other context such as auditory sentence recognition (Arnon & Cohen Priva, 2013) or language production (Janssen & Barber, 2012). It would be reassuring if an experiment using Multi-LEX were to show a similar effect. Indeed, finding an effect of sequence frequency would both show the utility of Multi-LEX, our n-gram frequency databases, and validate the frequency measures per se. Moreover, we designed the study to analyze a putative frequency effect at the item level, meaning that we were interested in regressing the participants’ performance (response times, in milliseconds) to the frequencies of the n-grams. To do so, we performed an online psychology study consisting of categorizing 200 French four-word sequences and 200 shuffled word sequences as grammatical or not (grammatical decision task).


Announcements posted in various social media led to the participation of 183 persons, of whom 123 completed the full experiment. A further selection based on participant’s general accuracy resulted in a dataset of 119 unique responders. A questionnaire at the beginning of the test asking for age, gender, mother tongue, and handiness was proposed. Self-report for age gave a median value of 28 years (range [18; 69]). Eighty-eight participants were female, and 119 had French as their mother tongue (1 Portuguese, 1 Russian, 1 Spanish, 1 Turkish). One hundred participants reported being right-handed. Additionally, participants were informed that their browser language was monitored once at the start of the experiment. All participants had their browser language set to French.

Stimuli selection

Stimuli consisted of 200 French four-word sequences each forming a grammatically coherent structure such as “debout dans le wagon” (“standing in the wagon”; grammatical sequences compared to ungrammatical sequences). The sequences were taken from the Google 4-gram French database (2019 edition; Michel, 2011). From this list, we conducted a double selection to make sure that sequences were homogeneous and that no word within the sequences differs in frequency of use. First, concerning the adjective-, noun-, and verb-tagged grams for PoS, (i) words were three to six letters long, and (ii) the log10 word frequency fell between −1 and 1 standard deviation of the whole word population, as well as (iii) the log10 of the orthographic distance. Second, other PoS-tagged grams were selected on their number of letters (between two and six that included determiner “le” or “la” for example, “the” in English) irrespective of any other criterion. Word sequences were first chosen randomly then hand-picked for sentence likeliness, thus selecting “the sky is clear” for example and not the part of sentence-like “sky is clear and.” We made sure that the final 200 sentences followed two conditions: (i) the mean word’s lemma log10 frequency fell within the [−1; 1] standard deviation interval; and (ii) the 4-gram log10 frequency fell within the [−2; 2] standard deviation interval. No selection criterion was applied to the 2-gram or 3-gram frequencies. Ungrammatical sequences were built by shuffling the 4-grams of each Grammatical sequence. We made sure that the result could not form a part of a sentence. Following the grammatical sequence construction, no criterion was applied to the 2-gram or 3-gram frequencies. Stimuli from both Grammaticality conditions were divided in 2 different lists. Grammatical sequences were randomly assigned to one of two lists (list A and list B), and their associated Ungrammatical sequences were assigned to the other list (list B and list A, respectively). This led to each list having 100 Grammatical and 100 unrelated Ungrammatical sequences. Each participant was randomly assigned to one of the two experimental lists. For the analysis, the log10 of the 4-gram frequency was used as the main factor of analysis (Frequency), as well as the number of letters of each sequence (NbLetter).

Experimental procedure

Prior to the experiment, visual instructions were provided about the grammatical decision task. Participants were asked to categorize the stimuli presented (Grammatical or Ungrammatical word sequences) as rapidly and accurately as possible. Following instructions, five practice trials were presented. The main experiment consisted of 200 trials. A trial was defined in a simple form: a fixation cross presented in the center of the screen for 500 ms followed by a stimulus that was printed on screen until a response was given. The participant could answer either on Correct and Incorrect screen buttons displayed below the stimuli (mobile devices) or on the S (Correct) and L (Incorrect) keys of a computer keyboard (desktops and laptops). Stimuli were displayed in black Courier New letters on a light gray background and disappeared after a choice was made. The inter-trial interval was set at 1500 ms following answers. Trials were grouped in four blocks allowing three self-paced pauses during the test. On average, the test lasted 15 minutes.

All data were recorded anonymously, complying with the General Data Protection Regulation section of the European Research Council research program POP-R (grant ERC742141). Ethics approval for this study was provided by the French institutional review board “Comité de Protection des Personnes SUD-EST IV” (No. 17/051). All participants gave their informed consent before the experiment started. The task was programmed in JavaScript/PHP and hosted on a standard Apache web server (

Data processing and statistical analysis

Data from 123 participants who completed the full study were considered. First, trials with response times (RT) below 300 ms and above 6000 ms were excluded from further processing, as well as items with mean accuracy over participants below 75% (2 items). Second, participants having their mean accuracy above the participant-based general mean accuracy minus 2.5 standard deviations were retained (119 participants). Third, trials having response times above or below the overall participant-based mean response time ±2.5 standard deviations were discarded. Overall, 8.32% of the whole dataset was not included for the statistical analysis.

Raw response times were further log10-transformed as in a standard lexical decision analysis.

Accuracies and response times were analyzed using logistic and linear mixed-effects regression modeling, respectively (Baayen et al., 2008; Jaeger, 2008). In such analyses, participants and items were considered as crossed random factors. Following Baayen et al. (2008), |t|- and |z|-values larger or equal to 1.96 were deemed significant.


Frequency and NbLetter influenced the grammatical decision response times (b = −0.03, SD = 0.004, t = −7.5, and b = −0.007, SD = 0.002, t = −3.7 resp.), but not accuracy (|t| and |z| inferior to 1.96).

Response times were therefore negatively influenced by Frequency (the more frequent a sequence is, the less time it takes to categorize it as being grammatically correct) and positively influenced by the number of letters (it takes more time to read a long sequence than a short one). Figure 3 shows the consolidated RTs for each sequence across the participants. We can clearly see the influence of Frequency on RTs, a linear regression on these sets of points giving an explained variance of 28.1%. Details of the analysis are given as supplementary material.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Grammatical decision RTs as a function of sequence frequency. The black line is the regression line between these two variables


The result of the online experiment (mixed model on RTs) clearly shows the expected effect of the n-gram frequency. Although small, the effect of frequency is sufficiently consistent across items to generate a strong t-value. The size of the effect in terms of R2 in the regression analysis is somehow less than the one typically found in the lexical decision literature (frequency explains from 30 to 40 percent of the variance, depending on the RT dataset and the lexical frequency database). What is more surprising is the shape of the relation between Frequency and RTs, which was found to be linear. Actually, the single-word literature always gives a relation in a form of a banana shape, a negative relationship similar to that shown in Fig. 2 but with a floor effect that mainly affects the more frequent words: frequent words all have the same RT, breaking the negative relationship with Frequency (i.e., the frequency effect lies in the lower frequency bands). Even though the primary goal of the experiment is met in demonstrating the usefulness of Multi-LEX, such n-gram frequency effects should be investigated further to either confirm or refute the results exposed here.

Associated variables and computer programs

A set of computer programs is provided, both to compute tailored lists of sentences and to manipulate the selections in the form of a web application. The programs for lists mainly read the Google Ngram files in a parallel fashion, decompress them in real time and generate lists of N-word sequences according to particular criteria such as excluding the PoS tags. The programs perform additional work on frequency computation and can further select sequences within the generated lists. Such programs are solely dedicated to reading the format employed by Google in generating the Ngram database and cannot be used to read other kinds of corpora without modifications. The second program, the web application, lets the user read and display in a table either part of or whole lists of word sequences. Each sequence record is associated with the individual words composing the sequence, as well as the individual word PoS tags, number of occurrences, and the standardized frequency index. One can search for a particular PoS in a particular position or search partial matches of individual words (see Fig. 4). We also provide within-list selection tools based on individual words, PoS tags and frequency values. Whole lists of word sequences in tabulated format are also directly downloadable from the web application. Those files have the following columns: NGRAM (e.g., “one of the most important”), GRAM1 (“one”) to GRAM5 (“important”), POS1 (“num”) to POS5 (“adj”), the number of occurrences summed over 2012–2019, the Frequency Per Million, the standardized frequency index (ZFI), and finally the dominant PoS sequence associated to the NGRAM, expressed in percentage (POS_PC; 100% means that the NGRAM was only found in one PoS combination). A lower percentage means that either several forms of PoS exist for a particular word sequence, or that the linguistic processing in recognizing PoS yielded some inconsistent results.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Screenshot of the web interface for the English 3-gram lexicon. The database can be searched for a unique word, a combination of words, a unique PoS or a combination of PoS. For example, a search for “PRON VERB ADJ” in the POS1, POS2, and POS3 search fields led to the selection of 304 entries within the 50k lexicon (e.g., “it is important,” “it felt good,” “it becomes possible,” and so on)


From the Google Book Ngram corpus, we selected a set of PoS-tagged 2- to 5-grams in English and French. These selections of a few million word sequences, presented as lists in compressed text files, are intended to help psycholinguists optimally choose their material for studying written word sequences or sentence processing. We also provide the source code that helped us generate such lists, allowing interested researchers to start to generate their own lists (noting that the selection process is quite time- and resource-consuming). Finally, we propose an online graphical application that makes the within-list material selection more convenient and user-friendly.

To assess the usefulness of the database, the 4-gram list in French was tested in an online experiment. The 200 word sequences selected from this n-gram lexicon were categorized more quickly when the sequence was more frequent.

Our proposed selection process and computation comes with several pitfalls. First, our selection process depends on the way in which Google has digitized and processed books. On the one hand, Pechenick, Danforth, and Dodds (2015) identified several limitations concerning the frequency count, including a divergence between years for identical word sequences and a bias toward the inclusion of scientific literature. Indeed, Brysbaert, Keuleers, and New (2011) further noted that, for unigrams, the Ngram database is poor in correlating human performance to frequency estimates compared to standard lexical databases such as the SUBTLEX family (11% drop in the explained variance). On the other hand, the Google Ngram entries are automatically tagged with PoS, and such a process is necessarily error-prone (Lin et al., 2012). Mis-tagged sequences might be rejected by the selection process on the basis of a et al. PoS assignment.

Second, and finally, we present a frequency measure summed over the years 2012–2019. This single information per n-gram is to be taken at face value, while entries of historical corpora such as Google Ngrams are meant to be analyzed in terms of trends. The coherence of frequencies along several periods gives an indication of a certain reliability that a single point does not offer.

To overcome some of the Google Ngram limitations, Younes and Reips (2019) proposed a set of strategies to be used in researching n-grams. Amongst the different proposals, two of them are relevant to our lists: investigating several corpora of different languages and cross-checking different corpora from the same language. Applied to psycholinguistics, readers working in English can refer to other tools including the British National Corpus (Leech & Rayson, 2014), the Corpus of Contemporary American English (Davies, 2008), the Corpus of Historical American English (Davies, 2012), or the Global Web-based English Corpus (Davies & Fuchs, 2015).

Readers interested in conducting research in multi-word processing should be aware of an extra potential pitfall intrinsic to n-grams. As we saw in the “Selection results” section, some n-grams are not self-contained phrases. Selecting such stimuli could be problematic in a grammatical decision task, for example, “of the process of” could generate more processing time to be classified compared to “at the same time.” “Of the process of” could even be misclassified as an ungrammatical sequence. In such cases, a preliminary rating of the material with an independent group of participants could be of use. On a side note, some authors reported the classification between grammatical and ungrammatical word sequences as “phrasal decision.” Even though correct when idiomatic expressions or figures of speech are used as stimuli, phrasal decision refers to an overly precise concept in which a sequence of words must be, by definition, a phrase or a sentence. In a grammatical decision task, instructions are given to the participant to classify word sequences as being correct or not, in the sense that a group of words that is syntactically correct should be classified as grammatical. The “of the process of” example shows why the grammatical decision task is more general, in that the sequence just has to be syntactically correct and not necessarily a phrase or sentence.


There is little material currently available for psycholinguists interested in multi-word sequences and syntax, and this is particularly true for languages other than English. To provide the community with relevant material, we took advantage of the Google Ngram database to produce lists of n-grams taken from millions of books. As a first initiative, we proposed a selection of n-grams (2-word to 5-word sequences) in French and English along with scripts to compute additional or custom-made n-gram selections. Each of the lists’ entries are associated with PoS tags for individual words, counts for occurrences, and a standardized frequency estimate.