
This is my first attempt to research of the Epidemics in the Goryeo dynasty(981-1391). In Asia, from the 10th century to the 15th century, it was the ages of the conflicts and trades between the northern dynasties from nomads(Kitai, 金, Mongolia), the Sung China and Korea. It was accompanied with epidemics in East Asia, more contacts and more epidemics. It was known as there were only 23 outbreaks in the research of Miki Sakae, as medical doctor, who was the founder of the history of diseases in Korea. In this research, I found 13 cases more by using the inscriptions of tombs and the anthologies of the literati in the Goryeo dynasty. My conclusions are as follows : First, the epidemics of the Goryeo breakouts with famine and war. From the 12th century, Northern nomads invaded Goryeo frequently. They might bring new zoonosis, such as anthracnose. It breakout in 1279 at southern part of Korea. Second, the epidemics were usually eruptive diseases, like small pox and measles. They killed several kings of the Goryeo, such as King Kyung Jong(景宗), Ye Jong(睿宗) and In Jong(仁宗), as well as peoples. It seems like that the deaths of the Kings might be caused to make the King Power weak. Third, the bureaucracy was supposed to give medical cares and remedies, but only it depends on the qualities and quantities of its power. It means the government gave the remedies to the bureaucrats by its official ranks.


전염병, 역병, 瘴疫, 溫疫, 고려의학, 송 의학, 救濟都監, 태평성혜방, 壁溫方


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