Development of a Technological Image of a Stone Crushing Machine
A. Kurbanov1, A. Turdiev2, Z. Amanov3, X. Kurbanov4, S. Yadgarov5

1Azaamat Kurbanov Name*, Physics and Chemical Technology Department, Termez State University.
2Turshid Kurbanov, Physics and Chemical Technology Department, Termez Branch of Tashkent State Technical University.
3Yadgarov Siroj, Physics and Chemical Technology Department, Termez Branch of Tashkent State Technical University.
4A. Turdiev, Termez Branch of Tashkent State Technical University.
5Z. Amanov, Termez Branch of Tashkent State Technical Universit.
Manuscript received on February 10, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on February 22, 2020. | Manuscript published on March 10, 2020. | PP: 313-315 | Volume-9 Issue-5, March 2020. | Retrieval Number: E2197039520/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.E2197.039520
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: The article explores the structure of the grinding machine, which is a pole to the body, and the disk to the disk with a screwdriver and a toothbrush, and to the shaft with a disc and a screwdriver. On the upper side of the body of the machine is placed an anchor at an inclined angle. The tooth is used as a working element and can be adjusted using a rack in the process of researching the disc. We also paid attention to the creation of a machine: the analysis of scientific resources in this area, the technological process being studied in a laboratory setting. The following research has been carried out to develop a model of stone crusher model and some of its dimensions: an overview of the existing technology of building work, the study of some properties of stones, the optimal methods of building work, the diameter and weight of stone. The technological process of the machine is studied; the performance of the new machine is calculated. Experimental tests have shown that the total crushing of a machine with a 2.0-fold increase compared to existing machines will increase by 2.0 times. Thus, based on the results of our preliminary experiments, we came to the following conclusions: The creation of a grinding machine allows for the shortest period of construction work. Unless the creation of a crushing machine does not require the creation of precious stone crushers. 
Keywords:  Stone, Machine, Body, Tooth, Work Authority, the Holder of the Tooth and Disk.
Scope of the Article: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.