
Three dimensional effects in the stereoscopic film are designed to feel three dimensional effect directly through the visual system, so it's not needed to restructure the sensation of volume to objects in the scenes we're watching. The less the unrealistic factors are, the higher sensation of immersion can be increased. But, the serious fact is that there are short of experts such as directors, cameramen and editors for three dimensional effects in the stereoscopic film. Also, study on three dimensional effects in the stereoscopic film is given too much emphasis on technical matters and the image in itself is deficient. Under the circumstance, however, as in <The Polar Express>, IMAX three dimensional effects in the stereoscopic animated film in 2004, which is made by new technology, 'performance capture' and <Beowulf>, the first three dimensional effects in the stereoscopic film, which got huger returns than two dimensional movies, also Know-how of the director, Robert Zemeckis are well worth to be studied. This thesis is focussing on <The Christmas Carol>(2009) by Robert Zemeckis to recognize how to express the sensation of solid and how to be applied it to real three dimensional effects in the stereoscopic film. As the result, When subjects more than two are supposed to be shared in one frame, it is emphasized on the sensation of distance and space by being placed on the same Z-axis. In the case of the movement of subject, it makes subjects clearer on the screen and then shows more realistic sensation of solid to use the way that Z-axis is not cut across, but coincided. As some precedents, three dimensional effects in the stereoscopic film can get three times the profit of two dimensional movies. Thus lots of mass media have reported “Three dimensional effects in the stereoscopic animated films guarantee high-rate profits.” and these crowd reaction and profits are leading the revival. Nevertheless, it's needed to improve the number of screen, audiences' visual tiredness and another new technology immediately.


3D, Film, Stereoscopic


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