
Ki, Hyeong Do’s poetic persona aims to expose the misery and the overwhelming tragedy of realism. His outlook delves on the evil that dominates the world and is attributed from materialism and capitalism. His obsession in exposing this kind the reality in light of poetry is his conscious way of letting even the most odious thoughts flow artistically. The courage to modernize the military dictatorship came about since the new leadership took place as the evils of capitalism and materialism surfaced and brought a terrible reality for the people. Indeed, even he had a poetic ideal, but he was no longer moving on to the utopian world of writing but as a throbbing burden. Although the era of his poetic world signifies dark poetry, the pain and atrocities were eventually replaced by terms of self-righteousness. It's rather the simplicity and beauty of the city and the relationships between humans which are the celebrated realities of Ki, Hyeong Do’s poetry. His poetic language longs for freedom. He criticized Capitalism and materialism. Although it may be pointed out that he did not easily promote conformity to a specific ideal. His poems are liberal and able to stimulate the reader's imagination. They are brilliant representations of conflict, the ongoing political turmoil and social reality in response to the discovery of a new utopia.


시적 세계관, 시적 자아, 세계의 자아화, 현실 대응, 이상향


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