J Korean Radiol Soc. 1990 Apr;26(2):422-427. Korean.
Published online Nov 23, 2016.
Copyright © 1990 The Korean Society of Radiology
Original Article

Radiation exposure in diagnostic radiology

Joon Koo Han, Jae Hyung Park, Wee-Saing Kang, Man Chung Han and Chu-Wan Kim


    To determine the amount of the scatter radiation in diagnostic radiology rooms, authors performed themeasurement of scatter ray by film badge method in 28 sites in 12 radiology rooms (17 in the room, 11 behind theprotective barrier) for 4 weeks, and calculated the amount of expected radiation expossure for one year. Allmeasurements did not exceed the maximal permissible dose (MPD) of the occupational exposure (50 mSv/year) or thedifinition dose of the radiation area (0.3 mSv/week). As a conclusion diagnostic radiology room in SNUH can beregarded as a safe area so radiation is still controversial, the efforts to reduce the amount of the personalexposure using protective device or equipment should be done continuously.
