J Korean Radiol Soc. 1976 Dec;12(2):190-194. Korean.
Published online Aug 03, 2016.
Copyright © The Korean Society of Radiology
Case Report

A case report of cold area on the liver scanning from ascarides bolus

J. D. Kim, H. S. Rhee, Y. K. Park and C. K. Kim


    One of many cauases of the cold area on the liver scanning it is very interesting for an ascarides bolus tobelong to this category. We found a cold a area on the lier scanning from ascarides bolus in a patients who was a36 year old Korean house wife of a farmer and who had suffered from intermittent colicky abdominal pian in RUQfrom her childhood. The diagnosis was confirmed by liver scanning, operative T-tube cholangiogram and surgicaloperation.

