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Estonian Journal of Engineering
Simulation of patterns of wakes from high-speed ferries in Tallinn Bay; pp. 232–254
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eng.2008.3.04

Tomas Torsvik, Tarmo Soomere

We analyse spatial patterns and far field properties of the long-wave part of wakes of fast ferries in Tallinn Bay with the use of the Boussinesq-type shallow-water model COULWAVE, forced by realistic ship motions. The calculated heights of ship waves exhibit substantial spatial variability. The largest waves were created when the ship, sailing to Tallinn, entered into super­critical regime when moving over the coastal slope. The maximum wave height eventually reached 3 m, whereas along other sections of the track the wave height was about 1 m. The highest waves hit the area of Pirita Beach that apparently has much larger ship wave loads than the adjacent sections of the Viimsi Peninsula.


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