Optimization of the Fuel Distribution Business by Application of the Bellman-Kallaba Algorithm: A Case study of the Network of the TOTAL Company in Kinshasa-DRC


  • Yondo Ngandu Vially Faculty of Oil, Gas and New Energies, Department of Petrochemistry and Refining, University of Kinshasa, DR Congo




Optimization, Network, Bellman-Kallaba,Fuel Distribution.


This research work has made it possible to develop tools adapted to the needs of fuel distribution network operators. It is the mapping of the network with the GIS arc software, the modeling of the network by exploiting the notions of strongly connected graph and the application of the BELLMAN KALLABA algorithm on the model of the network. These tools allow managers to determine, from the fuel distribution network modeling, for each tour, the optimal routes, the stations to be visited, the routes to be made, the trucks to be used, the quantities to be delivered for each product and their assignment to trucks taking into account quality and safety requirements. The application of the approach as part of a case study carried out on TOTAL's distribution network in Kinshasa yielded some interesting results. The results obtained are a decision aid for the managers of the fuel distribution networks, whose mission is to minimize the total cost of distribution, maximize the quantity to be delivered and optimize any other economic objective over a given planning horizon.


How to Cite

Vially, Y. N. . (2019). Optimization of the Fuel Distribution Business by Application of the Bellman-Kallaba Algorithm: A Case study of the Network of the TOTAL Company in Kinshasa-DRC. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 5(10), 271–287. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJASRE.2019.33558