Oftalmol Zh.2011;5:37-41.

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Bezdetko P. A., Schadnykh M. A.

Kharkov, Ukraine

On the basis of examination of 150 patients (275 eyes) of presbyopic and prepresbyopic age with emmetropia, hypermetropia and myopia of the mild degree there was revealed a reliable reduction in the amplitude of accommodation in comparison with the controls up to 1.96 diopters in emmetropia, 1.41 diopters in hypermetropia and 3.39 diopters in myopia. Reduction in the reserves of accommodation with age was up to 0.05 diopters in emmetropia, up to 0.03 diopters in hypermetropia taking into account their invariability; in myopia it was on the average 0.69 diopters. The distance of the region of the accommodation relative rest was most intensive in patients with hypermetropic refraction. The results obtained to a greater extent correlated with the value of refraction than with the age of patients. Thus, all components of accommodation suffer in presbyopia, and the state of accommodation and refraction must be determining factors in diagnostics and correction of presbyopia.



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