• Original research article
  • December 30, 2022
  • Open access

Colour Blue in the Armenian Text of Russian Poetry (Interpretation of Data of the Software System “Hypertext Search for Companion Words in Author’s Texts”)


The research aims to reconstruct the key aspect of the Armenian text, i.e. the colouristic component. The research material is a corpus of poems by the Russian poets of the XIX-XXI centuries dedicated to Armenia. The poetics of colour naming is considered as an important component of the image of Armenia, a distinctive feature of the local text. Scientific novelty of the research lies in using an integrated lexicographic base to describe the poetics of a particular element of the poetic worldview (in this case, the colouristic element). The data of the frequency dictionary of the corpus vocabulary, the data of the functional thesaurus and the results of applying the original software system “Hypertext Search for Companion Words in Author’s Texts” are analysed. As a result, it has been proved that despite the natural realities (stony rocks, tuff) and the colour scheme of poems about Armenia fixed by the poetic tradition after O. Mandelstam, who depicted Armenia in red and yellow tones, blue became the colour dominant of the unified Armenian text of Russian poetry. Armenians themselves have a contradictory attitude to this colour. The identified poetic associations with the colour blue, while preserving the traditional contexts (visual perception, sky, water and mountains), attract the description of the earth, stones, the country and all things Armenian as a whole.


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The reported study was funded by the RSF as a part of project No. 22-18-00339 “The electronic resource «The Armenian text of Russian poetry»: representation of the local text of Russian literature”.

Author information

Larisa Victorovna Pavlova


Smolensk State University

Irina Victorovna Romanova


Smolensk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 7, 2022.
  • Published: December 30, 2022.


  • армянский текст русской поэзии
  • поэтика цвета
  • лексические комбинации
  • Armenian text of Russian poetry
  • colour poetics
  • lexical combinations


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