  • 期刊


The Clinical Perspective on Good Death-Starting from Patient Autonomy Act and ACP




The purpose of legislating Patient Autonomy Act is to respect the patients' autonomy when receiving medical treatments, to protect their right to good death, and maintain a harmonious relationship between the medical officers and the patients. The principle of this Act is to protect the patients' right to enlightenment, selection and determination. The implementation of this Act will have a great impact on the patients, the medical officers, as well as medical institutions. In addition to the supplements of useful references as the evidence describing how ACP has been nationally and internationally promoted to protect the patients' right to good death, this study also claims a clinical perspective after Patient Autonomy Act comes into enforcement. Ultimately, this study intends to assist the medical officers in employing it as fundamental principles when promoting ACP and hence provide the holistic care to the patients towards good death and grant the families of them peace of mind with no regret.


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