Volume 39, N. 2

May-August 2016

Kinematic Assessment of Multi-Face Round Slopes Using Hemispherical Projection Methods (HPM)


Volume 39, N. 2, May-August 2016 | DOWNLOAD PDF (16 downloads)


This paper presents a new approach to stability analysis of multi-face slopes, employing the concept of restricted daylight envelope. The methodology was applied to the back analysis of a real case of a curved, convex slope in metamorphic slates in Madrid, Spain. The Barton & Bandis (1990) criterion was employed for the field estimation of shear strength in rough discontinuities and to determine the friction cone, required for the kinematic analysis. The results suggest that the methodology reflects adequately the real situation and simplifies the studies of planar failure in complex geometries.

Keywords: Eock mechanics, Slope stability, Stereographic projection, Back analysis,

Submitted on July 06, 2015.
Final Acceptance on June 09, 2016.
Discussion open until December 30, 2016.
DOI: 10.28927/SR.392167