
By comparing and examining of the songs of Korea and Japan which had been sung between 1918 and 1923 of Japan colonial era, I tried to confirm that how to present the sacrifice of Korean and Japanese people that had been forced by Japanese empire. As a result, I could confirm that the anger and resentment of Japanese pelple against the Japanese government, which has turned a blind eye to the hunger and impoverished lives of the people since 1918 when World War I ended, and devoted itself to the expansion of monopolistic capital and empire, were reflected in Enkas. Meanwhile, Korean people had sung songs expressing antipathy against Japan and willingness for independence due to similar events during the same period, and the most impressive was the fact that there were songs that expressed resentment and revenge for the genocides against Koreans which took place in 1920 and 1923. I could confirm that those songs are showing us the role of literature as historical evidence for proving the historical facts and sorrows of the lives of ordinary people at that time.


<3.1독립운동>, 쌀소동, 노동쟁의, 일본사회주의운동, 관동대지진과 조선인대학살


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