
This thesis paper tries to analyze and research the travels which were written in the late Qing Dynasty. These travels are mainly about the western countries, especially the U.S.A. and the countries in the European continent. Travel does not only mean going to another places, but also is accompanied with the irreplaceable cross-border experience. The process from departure to arrival is the speculative development that contains observation, self-reflection, appreciation, and sublimation. China during the late Qing Dynasty was sufficient atmosphere of shock waves and suffered from both domestic trouble and foreign aggression. At that time the west bounds set their feet on the journey to the west one after another, and left a lot of travels. These travels are not only the marvelous literary works but also the valuable historical documents. During the process of travel the food that travelers should eat every day is the most direct and intense experience, not the choice. Although western foods are not the main concerns of travelers, their food records provide fresh and unexpected information. In other words, the record for western foods is the most direct reflection of foreign cultures, and It is well reflected the conflict between traveler’s existing eating habits and new understanding. Unfortunately, however, traditional research focuses mostly on science, technology or ideology, and studies on food culture are very small. Therefore, based on a record about western food of the travel note which were written in the late Qing Dynasty, this thesis seeks to study the change of perceptions about Western food culture.


Late Qing Dynasty, Travel Notes, food, culture, exchange, conflict, conversion, recognition


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