
Wanliyehuobian is written by Shen, De-fu , in the Ming Dynasty consisting of total 30 volumes. It is classified as unofficial history rather than official history. This book contains legislative system, figures and event, authentic precedent and anecdotes, disputes within ruling class, national relation, foreign policy, mountain and river geography and customs, Jingshiziji, craft technology, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and other religions, hermits and ghosts diversely. The translated part Wanliyehuobian vol. 23, 24 is contained in the latter part of the book that includes narrative on Shanren, Funü and Jinü, Shiren. In this paper, we have translated the Shiren part of Wanliyehuobian vol. 23, which describes the anecdotes of five Shiren: Tang, Bai-hu, Xu, Wen-chang. Zhang, You-yu. Wu, Shao-jun, Hu, Yuan-rui. Shiren is a scholar without any government position despite academic ability. Their mental world and external behavioral style reflect periodic characteristics and have close relation with the glory and shame of the Ming dynasty. In particular, their behaviors are closely related to social communication method, selection of communicating target and attitude of communication that reflect hierarchical change and social interaction.


Wanliyehuobian, Shen, De-fu, Ming Dynasty, shiren, anecdotes, Tang, Bai-hu, Xu, Wen-chang, Zhang, You-yu, Wu, Shao-jun, Hu, Yuan-rui


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