
Color word, ‘Yellow’ has been closely related to the origin of Chinese people and developed as the symbolic meanings such as emperor, gold, and so on from ancient period. The symbolic meanings developed in the modern times, ‘vulgar or sensational’ might be related to the inflow of western culture. Considering the usages of ‘Yellow’ in ancient and modern meanings as the corpus linguistic angle, vocabularies symbolizing ‘Chinese people’ were dominant in the usages, which reveals the background to empathize the origin of ancient Chinese civilization that had realized high level of economic growth since Chinese Reform. In addition, the vocabularies symbolizing ‘vulgar, sexual, or sensational’ were used relatively frequently in the modern times, which reveals the Chinese values to accept the western culture in the global world. With respect to collocation analysis with ‘Yellow,’ the most active words with co-occurrence upon collocation with ‘Yellow’ were -to, ‘ha, and so on, and the words of ‘Yellow color’ types were co-occurred actively with those, like -literature, - novel, newspaper, movie, and so on. ‘Yellow’ in this study has multiple symbolic meanings which were analyzed by the origins with ancient and modern times. Upon analysis of its usages for the ancient and modern times meanings in the corpus linguistic angle in the modern times, it can assist to study the reasons of formations for its symbolic meanings and changes, and also help to understand the changes of ancient Chinese lives and their values.


Yellow(黃), Chinese people, origin, Chinese culture, collocation, corpus


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