
The prince refers to the person who inherits the throne. In China, the prince was called the Donggung(東宮, the east Palace), Seja(世子, the boy), Jeogun(the second man, 儲君), Hwangjeo(the second kingship), gunsa(君嗣, the military kingship), and the Jeonha (殿下, His Highness). But the Han Dynasty called it the Crown Prince. Looking at the dynasty by the era of China, teachers of the Crown Prince in the future for those who will become kings was placed mainly taught the adequate scheme to the circumstances of that times. The Han-dynasty is a country that has adopted Confucianism as its governing ideology. Therefore, the content of the Prince's education also have valuable scriptures with these governance ideology. In this research, I examined how the Crown Prince was handed over, how Tebu(太傅) and Sobu(少傅) who were in charge of their education were selected and what they taught tothe prince. This will show how the imperial education in China has developed in the past and how it can be brought to bear. Through the education of theprince, I hope that it will be a chance to think about more practical alternative through the building of the top elite education of the time and the education of the nobility.


Han Dynasty, prince, Tebu(太傅), Sobo(少傅), education


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