
It is an object of this study to find out education ideological features of innovative thinkers Yan Yuan in late 17 century of Ming and early Qing dynasty and based on this to study what kind of value Yan Yuan’s thought have in Korean education. Additionally it is aimed that Yan Yuan’s thoughts are known in the academic world, and also expanded in-depth research, contributing to solve the Korean education problem. In this paper, the features of the Yan Yuan’s educational thought are regarded as ethology, criticism and practical philosophy(習行哲學). Feature in ethology is that human nature is originally gently but dyed evil by habit(引弊習 染) so performing and practising the six arts help correcting. In the spirit of Criticism Yan Yuan blamed the incompetence of Neo-Confucianism and claimed to go back to Confucius’ Tao. He claimed to look at the new reality back to the fundamentals criticizing Confucianism in Han and Song Dynasty. In the spirit of practical philosophy, he pointed out the emptiness in the concept of Neo-Confucianism and presented the education of practice and experiment. Yan Yuan grew in an atmosphere of the childhood when Neo-Confucianism had a significant social impact. But Yan Yuan criticized Neo-Confucianism and emphasized the need for practical and realistic study. These points are still meaningful in education in Korea. Education for the whole person currently highlighted is necessary by emphasis on action and practice based on the assertion of Yan Yuan. In addition, it is necessary to have correct criticism spirit accurately diagnose the problem of education as Yan Yuan pointed out the problem on education blamed the incompetence of Neo-Confucianism and claimed to go back to Confucius’ Tao at that time. For the more, practical philosophy spirit is worth in the process of structural adjustment in the Department consolidation of recent university. What our society need now is to practice the meaning of education back to the root of education as Yan Yuan blamed the incompetence of Neo-Confucianism and claimed to go back to Confucius’ Tao. Education from ancient times changed and leaded the society of that times, and created new value and methods. Being parasitic on the age and ignoring the needs of the times is not a suitable education. A key element of education is the correct reflection on self and here now as Yan Yuan did.


Yan Yuan, Qing Dynasty, Education, criticism, practice spirit


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