
Quite a number of scholars, among whom Chao Tien-ch’eng of Ch’ing Dynasty did the most work, pointed out Wang Wei’s borrowing elements from the poetry of previous dynasties. However, until this day not many T’ang literature researchers have studied how Wang Wei infused something more elaborate and speculative into the echoes from earlier poetry by juxtaposing his works together with them. In this paper, I attempt to enumerate the major echoes Wang Wei drew in and compare them with Wang Wei’s poems, to take a look into the evolvement trajectory of some echoes originating from as early as late Han to High T’ang and the process during which he merged the echoes with his own works and gained his poetic artifice. I have thus proved Wang Wei borrowed most elements from Hsieh T'iao and Yü Hsin, while Early T’ang poetry also exerted strong influence on him. As conservative as he was, what Wang Wei exhibited in his works is amazing ingenuity. It is reasonable to presume that for a mild bureaucrat who rarely gave poignant comments and never took the plunge to leave the political society and live a reclusive life as T’ao Ch’ien, it was fewer burdens to be creative in art works than to behaviorally challenge existent temporal rules, however much stress he might felt from them.


Wang Wei, Six Dynasties, Hsieh T'iao, Early T'ang, Wang Wei's Originality


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