
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article Name10.26583/GNS-2019-03-11
Automation of Collection and Processing of Equipment Diagnostic Parameters of New NPP Units
AuthorsZ.O. Kavrishvili1, V.L. Rachkov2

Rostov branch «Rostovatomtechenergo» of JSC «Atomtechenergo», Volgodonsk-28, Rostov region,

Russia 347388

1ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9185-0785

e-mail: zokavrishvili@roate.ru

2ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3710-3153

e-mail: vlrachkov@roate.ru

AbstractModern technical diagnostics allows to inspect equipment by numerous methods of non-destructive control, which complement each other and increase the veracity of the technical condition grade. The combination of large quantity of diagnostic data and different diagnostic methods go to the need to integrate diagnostic information streams in a single information system which automates the collection and processing of diagnostic parameters. The specialists of “Rostovatomtekhenergo” designed and implemented the information system with the necessary properties
Keywordsautomated system, diagnostic parameters, equipment diagnostics, equipment of NPP power units.
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