The Perception and Attitudes Towards City Garbage Management: A First Analysis


  • Francesco Ceresia Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Integration, University of Palermo
  • Rosa Marìa Molina Moreno
  • Ángel Solanes Puchol



environmental psychology; Regression analysis; city garbage management; attitude


The main aim of this paper is to to explore the perception and attitude of people toward an important issue like the City Garbage Management. A new Survey Questionnaire to measure the perception and attitudes towards city garbage management has been developed by the Authors, in order to realize a very first analysis of compatibility of the Comprehensive Action Determination Model - CADM (Klöckner, 2013) with City Garbage Management issues. To test the application of the CADM model to City Garbage Management, a simple linear regression was calculated to predict the dependent variables based on predictor variables according the CADM model. The linear regression analysis shows a first confirmation of the CADM model applied to the perception and attitudes towards city garbage management.




How to Cite

The Perception and Attitudes Towards City Garbage Management: A First Analysis. (2017). European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1), 75-81.