What effects does the corona pandemic have on companies and training?

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What effects does the corona pandemic have on companies and training?

Results of a company survey carried out between September and October 2020

Ebbinghaus, Margit

From the journal ZBW Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Volume 117, March 2021, issue 1

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

miscellaneous, 9323 Words
Original language: German
ZBW 2021, pp 101-126


Since March 2020, measures to contain the corona pandemic have shaped social and economic life in Germany. This has brought enormous challenges for almost all companies. What is the economic, employment and training situation for companies after about half a year of pandemic-related restrictions? To answer this question, the companies of the reference company system were surveyed between September and October 2020. The results point to a greater impact on employment than on training, although there are cuts here as well. Above all, the training intentions for the coming training year are rather restrained.

Author information

Margit Ebbinghaus
