
“The Hidden Core”: William Carlos Williams’ Latin SelfShim, Jin-Ho In reading William Carlos Williams’ poetry, it is necessary to understand his Latin roots which include Spanish heritage from Spain and Latin America. Recognizing his Latin blood from his family background, especially through his Puerto Rican mother Elena, Williams can discover and establish his self-identity. Through his entire life, Williams tries to reconcile his two antagonistic selves, Anglo Bill and Latin Carlos. Mingling Anglo Bill and Latin Carlos, Williams can construct his own self-identity and American identity beyond narrow-minded Puritanism and “Puritan lineage”, that is, the tradition of orthodox English literature. Williams believes that the cultural colonialism of America originates from Puritanical viewpoints which denies differences, diversities, and otherness, representing “south.” Therefore, he always emphasizes the New World, America, to be anti-Puritan through his works.Above all, Carlos Williams’ attachment and alliance with Latin self continuously make him explore Spanish language and literature. Williams can reconfirm his Latin self when he chases Spanish artist and writers such as Juan Gris, Luis de Gngora, Juan Ruiz, and Federico Garca Lorca. Williams also strongly aspires the hybridized New World by exploring his Latin self. He regards the mingling New World’s positive traits as “the best spirit of the New World.” However, he refuses compulsive and indiscreet mingling strategies. Locating his Latin half as a spiritual center, Williams can construct the authentic literary and cultural identity of America.


William Carlos Williams, Latin self, mingling, Puritanism, Elena, Gris, Gngora, Ruiz, Lorca


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