The role of Income, Trade, and Environmental Regulations in Ensuring Environmental Sustainability in MINT Countries: Evidence from Ecological Footprint.


  • Solomon Prince Nathaniel University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria.
  • Festus Fatai Adedoyin Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom.



Sustainable Development Goals, Environmental Regulations, Ecological Footprint, MINT, Panel Econometrics




Income alone cannot ensure environmental sustainability. As such, different economies have relied on environmental regulations to preserve the quality of their environment. The efficiency of such regulations on environmental degradation is still unclear in developing countries culpable for lax environmental regulations. As such, this study explores the effect of environmental regulations on the ecological footprint (EFP) in MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey) countries from 1980-2016. The results suggest that energy consumption, trade and GDP increase the EFP while environmental regulations reduce it thereby mitigating environmental degradation, though insignificantly. This indicates that environmental regulations are not totally successful in mitigating ecological distortions in the sample countries. The study applies the FMOLS estimator to obtain the country-wise results. There is evidence that energy consumption increases the EFP in all MINT countries. The same influence is exacted by trade on the EFP, except in Turkey. The abating role environmental regulations on environmental degradation were confirmed in all the countries. It was significant in Nigeria and Turkey, but no in Mexico and Indonesia. Further findings revealed a bidirectional causality between GDP and EFP. Policy directions are discussed within the framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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Author Biographies

Solomon Prince Nathaniel, University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria.

Solomon Prince Nathaniel is a PhD scholar (Advance Stage) at the University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria. He lectures economics at
the Lagos State University, Badagry Campus, Nigeria. His research interests span across energy and environmental economics, climate change, sustainable development, tourism economics, ecological economics, natural resource sustainability, etc. He has published in a variety of journals indexed in the Web of Science core collections such as Science of The Total Environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, Resources Policy, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Information Technology for Development, Geojournal, Journal of Public Affairs, Heliyon, Logforum, Serbian Journal of Management, Global Business Review, Studies in Business and Economics, Estudios de Economia Aplicada, etc.

The role of Income, Trade, and Environmental Regulations in Ensuring Environmental Sustainability in MINT Countries: Evidence from Ecological Footprint.

Festus Fatai Adedoyin, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom.

Festus Fatai Adedoyin is a demonstrator at the Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Bournemouth University, UK. His research interests span across tourism economics, energy economics, tourism taxation and consumer behaviour. He has published in top tier environmental and energy economics journals, including Journal of Environmental Management, Current Issues in Tourism amongst others.



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