
The purpose of the study was to determine factors of taekwondo character through taekwondo practitioners which affect their life skills. To do this, the life skills and the character of taekwondo practitioners were measured using validated psychological measurement methods applied to taekwondo teachers currently working in taekwondo training centers (dojang). Canonical correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed in order to investigate the influence of character and to identify their relation to life skills. The results show that the various life skills of taekwondo practitioners such as psychological skills, social skills, emotional skills, physical skills, and martial arts-spirit skills had a multidimensional relationship with self- regulating character, self-understanding character, and empathetic character in the primary function expression, with an explanatory power of 41.86%. For the second function expression, emotional skills were correlated with a self-regulating character and a self-esteem character with an explanatory power of 12.88%. For the third function expression, psychological skills and physical skills had a 5.8% explanatory power for a self-understanding character and a self-esteem character. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis to determine the specific impacts, a self-esteem character and a self-understanding character affect psychological skills and an empathetic character and self-regulating character affected social skill. Also, emotional skills were affected by a self-esteem character, a self-regulating character, and a social relationship character. In addition, a self-esteem character and a self-understanding character affected physical skills, and finally, an empathetic character, a self-regulating character, and a self-understanding character affect martial arts-spirit skills.


Taekwondo, Life skills, Character, Educator


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