최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

부모의 경제적 지원과 주택시장 환경이 청년 독립에 미치는 영향 분석

The Impact of Parental Economic Support and Housing Market on Young People’s Independence

  • 29

This paper examines the impact of parental economic support and housing market on young people’s independence. Based on Youth Panel Survey data in 2015~2019, various panel models were estimated to understand young people’s independence. In empirical studies, it is important to account for the unobserved characteristics. The endogeneity problems may arise if the unobserved characteristics are not considered. Thus, this study apply a correlated random effect model(CRE) to deal with the endogeneity issue. The findings reveal that, with no consideration for endogeneity, most explanatory variables affect the independence of the young people. However, when applying the correlated radon effect model, the estimation results indicate that parental economic support and housing market such as the rate of change in housing price and chonsei price and the ratio of gift transaction are more likey to be the significant determinant, although young people’s economic status variables like income and debt are not statistically significant.

I. 서론

II. 선행연구 고찰

III. 청년의 주거 특성과 사회경제적 특성 코호트 분석

IV. 실증분석

V. 결론

