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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access March 27, 2011

Territorial dynamics and boundary effects in a protected area of the Central Iberian Peninsula

  • Paloma Heras EMAIL logo , Paloma Fernández-Sañudo , Nieves López-Estébanez and María Roldán
From the journal Open Geosciences


We analysed the main changes in land use over a 21 year period within the perimeter of a Protected Natural Area (PNA) and outside this perimeter. The area is characterised by its Mediterranean mid-mountain landscape and its piedmont, which extends almost as far as the city of Madrid. We employed cartography of land use and plant formation from 1980 and 2001. We identified land uses and their changes in this time period in order to determine the principal territorial dynamics (scrub encroachment, urban development, forest encroachment, new pastures and new crops). Subsequently, we performed a comparative analysis between the changes inside and those outside the protected area. The results show that there is a boundary effect between the protected area and the surrounding zone, which is more notable in the areas where urban development has intensified. This kind of research serves to establish whether or not a PNA contributes to protecting and conserving natural resources as compared to what occurs in the unprotected surrounding area, which tends to be subjected to more aggressive dynamics.

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Published Online: 2011-3-27
Published in Print: 2011-3-1

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