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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access October 1, 2014

Learning object-oriented paradigm by playing computer games: concepts first approach

  • Jakub Livovský EMAIL logo and Jaroslav Porubän
From the journal Open Computer Science


Since the beginning of teaching object-oriented programming at universities in the mid 90’s, university teachers are trying to come up with more effective ways of teaching. Number of researches has been made in this area. They are trying to identify errors teachers are making in learning process. These researches suggest different teaching methodologies and tools, which should help them to avoid these mistakes.

The subject of this paper is to present a solution we developed to teach and illustrate basic concepts of object oriented paradigm through playing of computer game. In this approach, we are teaching basic principles, such as class, objects and relationship between them in the beginning of object oriented programming (OOP) course and postpone learning of specific objective language to later time. Also we are taking advantage of attractiveness of computer games to increase students motivation, which should lead to improved learning performance of students.

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Published Online: 2014-10-1
Published in Print: 2014-9-1

© 2014 Versita Warsaw

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