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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access September 27, 2011

High Stokes shift long-wavelength energy gap regulated fluorescence in the series of nitro/dimethylamino-substituted ortho-analogs of POPOP

  • Rodion Iliashenko EMAIL logo , Olexiy Zozulia and Andrey Doroshenko
From the journal Open Chemistry


A series of novel nitro-substituted ortho-analogs of POPOP was synthesized. Like the most of the other known compounds of this class, the synthesized molecules demonstrate high Stokes shift fluorescence emission owing to the planarization of their molecules at electronic excitation. Significant fluorescence quenching in polar solvents was described as the “energy gap law” action rather than the specific effect of the dialkylamino group excited state twisting.

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Published Online: 2011-9-27
Published in Print: 2011-12-1

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