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시편 4-5의 수사학적 분석과 불가타 성경의 번역 원칙 및 유용성 연구

A Study on the Principles and Particularities of the Translation of Vulgate on the Basis of the Rhetorical Analysis of Ps 4-5

약어 : KJOTS
2009 vol.15, no.3, pp.108 - 130
DOI : 10.24333/jkots.2009.15.3.108
발행기관 : 한국구약학회
연구분야 : 기독교신학
Copyright © 한국구약학회
86 회 열람

본고의 목적은 히에로니무스의 라틴어 성경번역의 특징을 고찰하여 우리말 성경에 적용할 수 있는 가능성을 타진하고 성경 주석을 위한 불가타 연구의 유용성을 타진해 보고자 하는 것이다. 히에로니무스의 시편 4-5편의 문학분석을 통하여 그 번역의 특징을 관찰하였고, 우리가 유념해야할 여러 가지 성경번역상의 원칙들을 검토하였다.

The present article aims to find out the possibility of applying the particularities of Jerome's principles of the translation of Vulgate for the Korean Bible translation, and its usefulness for the Biblical exegesis. This task has been tried in my previous article(‘Particularities of the Translation of Vulgate Considered on the Basis of Rhetorical Analysis of Psalms 1-3,’ published in Journal of Biblical text Research, April 2009, Korea Bible Society). The present article is intended to corroborate the thesis of that article. I tried to achieve it by observing the literary particularities of Jerome's translation(Ps 4-5), comparing it with the texts from MT, Septuagint, PG(Psalterium Gallicanum), PH(Psalterium iuxta Hebraeos), and Nova Vulgata. Jerome tried to be faithful to the Hebrew text of the Psalms. He tried to represent not only the contents of the Hebrew text but also its literary particularities in his Latin translation. He attempted to express the literary excellency of the Hebrew Bible in his Latin Bible transla- tion. The particularities of his translation which we have detected are as follows: 1. He shows a very careful analysis of the literary context for choosing the most appropriate word for it(Ps 4: 2; 5: 2, 9, 11; cf. Ps 1: 3, 5; 2: 1, 2; 3: 2). 2. He tried to express the semantic nuance of Hebrew words (Ps 4: 4; 5: 3, 5, 6, 9, 13; cf. Ps 1: 1, 2; 2: 3, 10, 12). 3. He used effectively Latin complex words for his translation (Ps 4: 2; 5: 11; cf. 2: 2, 5; 3: 2). 4. He tried to represent not only the structural particularities of Hebrew poetry (Ps 5: 2, 7), but also the phonetic ones (Ps 4: 3; 5: 5; cf. Ps 1: 5, 6; 2: 2). 5. He accepted the extant expressions whenever he thought them appropriate for their contexts. But he tried to give freshness to his translation by introducing new expressions, when he thought them appropriate (Ps 4: 7, 9; 5: 5, 11). Such particularities of his translation remind us their importance for new Bible translations, and give us useful insights not only for the Bible translation but for Biblical exegesis.

라틴 ∙ 번역 ∙ 불가타 ∙ 시편 ∙ 히에로니무스
Jerome Latin Psalms translation Vulgate

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