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Minerva Urology and Nephrology 2022 June;74(3):372-5

DOI: 10.23736/S2724-6051.22.04957-6


language: English

Finding novel prognostic factors in metastatic renal cell carcinoma: what does peripheral blood tell us?

Laura MARANDINO 1, 2, Riccardo CAMPI 3, 4 , Selçuk ERDEM 5, Riccardo BERTOLO 6, Michele MARCHIONI 7, 8, Alexandre INGELS 9, 10, Önder KARA 11, Umberto CARBONARA 12, Angela PECORARO 13, Nicola PAVAN 14, Stijn MUSELAERS 15, Eduard ROUSSEL 16, Daniele AMPARORE 17 on behalf of the EAU Young Academic Urologists (YAU) Renal Cancer Working Group

1 Department of Medical Oncology, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy; 2 Division of Experimental Oncology, Urological Research Institute, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy; 3 Unit of Urological Robotic Surgery and Renal Transplantation, Careggi Hospital, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; 4 Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; 5 Division of Urologic Oncology, Department of Urology, Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey; 6 Department of Urology, San Carlo di Nancy Hospital, Rome, Italy; 7 Laboratory of Biostatistics, Department of Medical, Oral and Biotechnological Sciences, G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy; 8 Department of Urology, SS Annunziata Hospital, G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy; 9 Department of Urology, University Hospital Henri Mondor, APHP, Créteil, France; 10 Biomaps, UMR1281, INSERM, CNRS, CEA, Paris Saclay University, Villejuif, France; 11 Department of Urology, Kocaeli University School of Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey; 12 Andrology and Kidney Transplantation Unit, Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation-Urology, University of Bari, Bari, Italy; 13 Division of Urology, Pederzoli Hospital, Peschiera del Garda, Verona, Italy; 14 Urology Clinic, Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Science, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy; 15 Department of Urology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands; 16 Department of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 17 Division of Urology, Department of Oncology, School of Medicine, San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital, University of Turin, Orbassano, Turin, Italy

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